The internet is a great place where we can learn and explore. Discover how to make the most of the your online world with the help of the HTML Heroes. Get started below.

Play HTML Heroes and make your way through lots of fun interactive puzzles and activities.

Introduce pupils to the internet and how it works while also considering online wellbeing and screen time.
Equip pupils with different strategies for avoiding harmful content when searching the internet.
Assess your pupils ability to access information on the internet without taking unnecessary risk.
Consider what privacy means when using games, signing up to apps/website/social networking sites.
Outline appropriate coping strategies for pupils when dealing with harassment online and foster a sense of respect and care for others
Raise awareness about interacting with people online along with rules about meeting up with online contacts or friends
Assess your pupils ability to communicate and engage with others online without taking unnecessary risk
This lesson aims to promote being kind and respectful when communicating online, especially with friends and classmates.
This lesson will explore gaming online and introduce pupils to the topic of privacy and security.